Friday, October 11, 2013


I think coding is difficult but thanks to the some of my classmates that helped me along the way to get done. TYBG!

my goal

my goal is to improve my grade in algebra 1.

qoute from lil b

I'mma go to Starbucks, in the mornin' for some coffee
If it ain't a girl there, I won't buy no damn coffee
 - lil b


I think art is an expression of feeling but everyone has a different opinion of what art is. My past experience with is art was just drawing random objects, nothing major. the skills i think i'll learn in art is how to photoshop better, and i'm hoping to learn how to digitally draw. Yes I do think digital art could be considered art because there are a lot of programs that can make art.

Visual Aesthetics

Visual Aesthetics are little squares that form an image. They are important because they form an image on a television, computer, cell phone, e.t.c


I've done Codecademy for the past three weeks, I have reached 37 percent. The difficult part was trying to change things like changing color, font, font size, putting images, and putting in links. I have laerned coding is not easy as I thought it was.

My opinion on social networks.

Social networks are great in many ways, like meeting people from across the world, sending a message to a friend instead of sending them a letter through the mail. I use social networks to share funny photos and my personal items. I personally think social networks were made to connect people from across the world together, and for the government to track down humans.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Matthew's blog

Matthew has a great blog I suggest checking it out