Thursday, May 22, 2014

How has your viewpoint/perspective about art changed throughout this course

ive began to apprciate digital art more and more after this course.

What is the best advice you ever received? Why? And did you follow it?

the best advice i received was to get a head start at things. and no i did not take it since im doing this at the last minuete lol.


during spring break i went to my hometown in mexico to visit my grand parents and the area. gladly i got to see her before she passed away on april 20th

thoughts of codecademy

My thoughts of codecademy is that its very confusing but i mean to each their own opinion man!
it is difficult but it gets familiar the more you do it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Imagine that you have the opportunity to travel back through time. At what point in history would you like to stop and why?

I would go back to 1990-2007 . to me a lot of great things happened through that decade and 7 years.
including fashion, technology, lifestyles, the internet, communication, and ways of tracking people.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


                     what I thought of codecademy but at the end of the day i understood it


blogging is cool i just dont feel like people actually read my stuff. maybe i should update it more :)